
Pokemon Go Datamine Reveals Multiple New Quality of Life Improvements


It looks like Routes and Party Play will see some changes in Pokemon Go.

Over the last year or so, Niantic has been trying to get Pokemon Go players who spend time outside with the game. In this effort, the game added both Play Parties and Routes, both of which were specifically designed with the goal of creating player communities. It looks like both of these features may see some changes in the near future. According to a recent report from Go Hub, dataminers have discovered some improvements that will make these features a little better in the future.

Playing holidays and route changes

According to reports, Party Play will soon give players the ability to share an item’s effect with the rest of the players in the group. From the description, it appears that if a player in the party uses an item like a lucky egg, they can choose to share the effect with everyone else. However, it seems that other players will only get some of the benefits. A Lucky Egg gives a player double XP when used, so it’s possible that some other party members may only get 1.5x XP. However, this is just speculation on our part. It also appears that there will be a daily limit on the number of items that can be shared by a single player, as well as how many shared perks a player can receive per day.

One of the main appeals for Routes is that they are currently the only way for players to obtain Zygarde’s 50% and 100% forms. Players can collect Zygarde cells by walking along Paths that have been created by other players. In the datamine, it is revealed that players may soon be able to get a total of three Zygarde cells in one route. It also appears that players will be able to receive rewards for completing only part of the route, rather than completing the entire route.

When will these changes be added? Pokemon Go?

While this information gathered appears to be legitimate, readers should remember that none of this is guaranteed to happen until Niantic makes an announcement. Datamines are a great way to learn about new content and features that may be added to games in the future, but sometimes they represent ideas that have been removed or changed. Even if Niantic is planning to make these changes to Party Play and Routes, we also have no idea when they might actually be implemented. As such, readers should not get too excited until this information comes from an official source.


What do you think about these possible changes? Pokemon Go? Do you think these will result in a better game? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachampon Bluesky at @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!

[H/T: Eurogamer]

#Pokemon #Datamine #Reveals #Multiple #Quality #Life #Improvements
Image Source : comicbook.com


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